get started with farmsafe awareness
get started with making it safer
Book a Farm Health & Safety Workshop
Animals in distress can pose a serious risk to the public or anyone attempting to rescue them.
Firefighters who are highly trained in animal rescue techniques can help reduce the likelihood of injuries and deaths, to farmers and their families and anyone else who may attempt to carry out a rescue themselves.
It is strongly advised to never attempt to rescue any livestock yourself, as such action would compromise safety. If this incident does present itself, farmers should call 999 for help.
Welcome to FarmSafeNet
The Online Learning Tool for FarmSafe Awareness
Farming is one of the most important productive industries in the Northern Ireland economy providing employment for nearly 47,000 people across 24,500 farms. It is also one of the most dangerous occupations; the safety record of farming in Northern Ireland is poor and continues to represent a disproportionate number of deaths compared to other work sectors.
FarmSafeNet is the online learning tool designed to raise awareness about Farm Safety and is part of a suite of activities developed by the industry led Farm Safety Partnership.
The Farm Safety Partnership is committed to helping end work related tragedies on farms through developing a culture of safety-first on local farms. Raising awareness of the dangers and advising farmers to STOP AND THINK SAFE before starting any farm job is vital to securing change.
What is FarmSafeNet About?
FarmSafeNet brings together a range of useful resources and practical information together with real life survivor stories (courtesy of HSA Ireland).
It is part of a suite of activities designed to ensure the accessibility of the farm safety message. It offers the opportunity to complete an online farm safety awareness quiz and to complete a simple risk assessment plan called “Making It Safer”.
The objective is to encourage farmers to think seriously about their safety and take practical steps to avoid accidents with the ultimate goal of reducing deaths on farm.
It focuses on the four key dangers – Slurry, Animals, Falls and Equipment and promotes the need for farmers and their families to stay vigilant.
Why Should I Get Involved?
Injuries and illness can ruin lives and businesses. Solutions are often simple and cheap and the people best placed to make farms safer are farmers and their employees. Health and safety is a fundamental requirement for any business and should be regarded as an essential part of farm business management and wider farm life in general to sustain a safe environment for rural communities to live, work, play and grow.
Taking unnecessary / uncalculated risks is an underlying problem in the industry and those working on their own are especially vulnerable along with children and older farmers.
How Will Involvement Benefit Me?
Raising awareness and encouraging farmers to STOP AND THINK SAFE before starting any farm job can save lives. Participating in FarmSafe awareness activities demonstrates YOUR commitment to farm safety.
On completion of the online quiz and the Making It Safer risk assessment plan you will receive a certificate for each containing a unique reference number - you will be advised to retain this for future reference. Completing FarmSafeNet will be a requirement when accessing specific schemes within the new Rural Development Programme.
How Do I Get Involved?
You can complete the online learning tool here by clicking on the relevant ‘Get Started’ button. We recommend you complete the awareness training and quiz first prior to completing the Making It Safer risk assessment plan. There are no restrictions on accessing the online tool and it is open to farmers, farm family members and farm workers aged 17 and over and anyone else interested in farm safety.